2022 Award for Robert Brenner

2022 Award for Robert Brenner

Robert Brenner was a student and long time colleague of Jerry Kein for over 20 years while he was co-instructor during the OMNI hypnosis trainings, known by the students as Bob. 

Bob has been a member of the NGH for the past 19 years and an inductee into the National Guild of Hypnotists Prestigious Order of Braid. He has been awarded The Life Time Achievement Award from Omni Hypnosis.

He is the Owner and Head Hypnotist of Unlocking Minds Hypnosis Center, currently retired. He has taught in Canada and Ireland, trained members of the FBI, Members of the Canadian Mounties, and many Professional Athletes. Robert is is the author of the critically acclaimed Petrified Minds.

Bob was a co-host in an interesting and sometimes controversial series of podcasts that Jerry made together with him. We will always remember the immortal and funny phrasing of these podcasts where Bob answered Jerry dutifully: Jerry: “Well say hello Bob” Bob: “Hello Bob!”

The juror has selected this eminent hypnotist because of the excellence  quality of his work and the importance of his contribution to his profession.

8 November 2022

 The Jury

2022 Award for Katheryn Napier

2022 Award for Katheryn Napier

Katheryn studied hypnosis with Gerald Kein at the esteemed Omni Institute of Hypnosis in Deland, Florida.  There she was was certified in basic and advanced hypnotherapy and then went on to become a Board Certified Clinical Hypnotist.  She has over 1,500 combined hours training with Dr. George Von Hilsheimer, William Baldwin and the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Katheryn Napier is also the founder of Avalon Hypnosis in DeLand Florida and brings over 20 years experience in the field of healing and hypnotherapy.  She is a graduate of the Omni Hypnosis Training Center, one of America’s most prestigious hypnosis training facilities.

In the December 2012 issue of The Journal of Hypnosis … Kein recounts the story of a 45-year old single mom (of a 9-year-old girl), like family to the Keins, diagnosed with severe fibromyalgia … and then lupus, living in a state of indescribable agony so extreme as to drive her to suicidal thoughts. Gerald referred her to Katheryn. After brief treatment the reported the pain gone and she felt better than she had in years. 

The juror has selected this eminent hypnotist because of the excellence  quality of her work and the importance of her contribution to her profession.

8 November 2022

 The Jury

2020 Award for Erich Walker

2020 Award for Erich Walker

He is a World Cup Winner and Vice World Champion.

He suffered from back pain for 20 years, he had a heart attack at the age of 35 and a burnout at the age of 43.

In his own words: “All of this taught me: We will only be able to do our best when we unite body, brain and soul into a strong team.”

He dedicated decades of study to the workings of cells from the perspective of biology, chemistry and through communicating initially with his own cells and later through hypnosis with the cells of his clients.

One of his students coined a suitable name for him: “The cell whisperer”.

He stands out in his work for his love and dedication to help his clients and in particular they’re cells.

In 2020 he developed the Immune-boost audio to help people from all over the world tostrengthen their immune system that can support the innate defence system of the body.

This program is free available in nine languages. He is awarded for his decades long work in studying communicating with cells and training people from all over the world to work with this. 

Therefore, the jury gives this year a Gerald Kein OMNI Award for Excellence in Hypnosis to Erich Walker.

16 December 2020

The Jury

2019 Award for Wendie Webber

2019 Award for Wendie Webber

It all started as the owner of a spiritual bookshop and an interest in the working of the mind. After she read an intriguing book many times over and decided to go for a regression session which was life transforming. She decided to become a hypnotherapist specialized in regression and followed the OMNI training with Gerald Kein. After that she cultivated a lot of transformational techniques. 

 She puts her effort into raising the level of the profession of the hypnotherapist in a multitude of ways: she developed the Devil’s Therapy: from Hypnosis to Healing and the Dream Healing Practitioner Program. She developed online training courses to help hypnotists increase their clients’ success. Besides that, she has shown herself consistently to be a generous colleague, always ready to provide valuable advice.

 Therefore, the jury gives the 2019 Gerald Kein OMNI Award for Excellence in Hypnosis to Wendie Webber.

2017 Award for Mike Schwarz

2017 Award for Mike Schwarz

Mike Schwarz has been awarded for his continuing education of students and therapists worldwide and his outstanding understanding and effort teaching the R2C process of Gerald Kein.

Mike Schwarz is OMNI Instructor and the creator of Soul & Parts Therapy process.